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Hey, I'm getting a notification that the .rar archive (mtm_everything) is corrupted


Are there plans to make more community copies available anywhere in the furute?

is this somewhat simple to run over a VTT like foundry or does it hack the system too comprehensively to really be viable?

Are there any more community copies coming?


Sure, I added 10 more. Enjoy!


Would it be possible to have a printING version added with bleed marks? I often prefer to read books I intend to GM in physical format and it's nice to get the art cropped properly. Thank you!


Sorry for the delayed response. I have been planning to do this for a while and also offer it as a print on demand but my dayjob keeps getting in the way. I might try to outsource it or get it done during a vacation thats coming up. Might still take a bit though.


I don't know if it helps but I'm happy to do that for you at no charge (I do this for a living).
I just need the master files - it's a very simple process. I may have also seen some grammatical errors and there was a bullet list that missed the last item - probably got cut off in the design process (happens all the time). I admit i didn't make note of them but I look again to refresh my memory. 
In other news, we start our game tomorrow!


Exciting, I hope you had fun and let me know what you thought about it so far!

I would also very much like to accept your extremely kind offer. I am always confused why doesn't allow direct messages, can you send me a mail to or a discord message to lefork (lefork#2865 - you can find me on the blades in the dark discord, for example)? 

Did the print version ever get completed?

I noticed the .rar has version 1.2 for the player sheets but 1.1 for the full rulebook. Is there a 1.2 version available for that? They seem to be slightly different with regard to intel; the sheets specify that there's a limit to how much can be used per mission and gives a different definition to "a useful detail," being that it's a think you can ask as opposed to a thing you can change. Or can "a useful detail" be used in both ways?

Hi there, there is only a version 1.2 for the player sheets, because the cursive text broke and I had to fix that after the 1.1 version.

Intel is supposed to be useable in both ways: Get an honest answer or change / add something to the fiction. This is true for all Intel, for example you can use "fine etiquette" to either establish something about the social rules in your world or ask the GM how your character should behave to fit in. You can use a "fine escape" to tell the table about your well-prepared escape plan, to ask the GM about a good escape opportunity in your current situation, or ask about the escape plan of a foreign agent who is fleeing from you - allowing you to be one step ahead of them. Intel is a bit of a swiss army knife for the Spies in this game, it is up to the player how creative they get with it.

The intel limit on the sheets is a left over artifact from an earlier version that never really became relevant during play so I ditched it. You can ignore that for now and I added it to the list of things I need to fix. There are some additional changes / fixes I wanted to make for a while now, but my day job keeps getting in the way. 

Hope that helps! Let me know if any other questions come up. 


Yup, that makes a ton of sense, thanks!


Are there any more community copies coming? I'm a teacher and this might be right up my alley.


I added more Communist copies, feel free to spread them around. 


Thank you!


This is beautifully and thoughtfully written by the author and the design fits so well.

Thank you very much! 

Wondering how well this could be adapted to a WWII neutral country

Is it possible to buy a copy for a friend? How can i ?

There is a "buy this game as a gift" checkbox you use once you click the "buy now" button (right above the payment options). 


Any chance of getting at least a print-on-demand version of this? It looks fantastic, but I like to have a printed version.

Would also be interested in POD!

Also would love a POD version. Seems like a beautifully made product.


this game did not age well

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I started writing Minutes to Midnight when I was still involved in International Relations and now my friends are calling me a prophet. Considering the current situation, it is a dubious honour.  On the upside, I think spy thriller are pretty timeless and this gives you a pretty good engine for that kind of story. ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm planning a campaign ticking all the boxes that move the Soviet Union towards a more democratic and positive place. I think I'm looking for some kind of catharsis playing in a fantasy world where Russia didn't end up that bad... I'll let you know how it pans out.

On an other note I will be keeping a campaign log online for my players, do I have the permission of hosting a translation of the playbook there?

As long as the translation is not in Italian, there should be no issue. Feel free to host it!
That sounds like a very exciting campaign, curious how it develops.
By the way, in the comment thread below you can find a first draft for a digital character keeper. The creator and I are currently fixing a few things to officially add it to the game, which should be done at the end of next week. Might make your life a bit easier if you plan on playing online. 

Little update: The online character keeper is now live and available here if you want to use it for your translated character sheets. 


I’m very excited about by game. 


I put this together. Feel free to use it however you'd like.


This is great! Do you have a contact adress? I would like to add it to the game description and credit you.

Sure! how do I DM on this thing?

I couldn't figure it out. Feel free to message me at or 


Are you guys going to do a Kickstarter?

Nothing planned at the moment.


This is the game I've been looking for my entire life!  I was intrigued with Blades in the Dark, but it wasn't quite right.  But this is it!

(1 edit) (+3)

The game looks amazing, both graphics-wise and for the mechanics.

I work with an Italian publishing house. Would you maybe be interested in getting the game translated? If so, you can reach me at c . locatelli 93 (at)


How did I not see this sooner?? Buying immediately.


Seems that this one is coming soon... :)